Saturday, December 22, 2012

William's second chapter

I'm really sorry if you tried to read my last post on Valencia's Valor, and it didn't work. Unfortunately that blog won't let me post, so I'll just post the chapter here:

Today was the first of two parties in honor of the new Princess. They are both held at the palace, there are music, dancing, food, and speeches. Every noble family came, making the courtyard, and adjoining rooms packed, for the throne room was reserved for the King, Queen, Princess who were seated on their thrones, and the dancing couples. I glanced around me at all the people, talking and laughing. I saw Robyn and her friend talking in a corner, they seemed happy to be here. Robyn was wearing a flatteringly low cut pastel yellow gown, and was , I must admit, very beautiful in it. I decided that soon I would ask her for a dance, but first I must get myself together.
I walked around the room trying in vain to sum up the correct wording. I sighed, Well, I thought to myself I may as well give it a go, she can answer however she likes. I finished my stroll around the room and stopped when I came to her.
I made small talk for a little while, she denied knowing me, but I could see recognition in her face. Soon I could hear myself asking her for the next dance. She hesitated, but finally agreed.
We danced slowly around the floor. I tried obtaining information about her, but all of her answers were brief and I couldn't get much out of her. We finished the dance which lasted a wonderful length of time. At the end I bowed and pressed my lips to her gloved hand in the traditional way, though it felt unexplainably special with her.
I danced one dance with my younger sister, a request from my father, and another with Princes Lila as customary, but neither seemed quite as good as the one with Robyn. I still couldn't tell what it was about her that I liked so much, I guess it was everything.
The rest of the party was pretty dull, I talked to a few friends to burn time but I couldn't stop thinking of Robyn. I decided that the day after tomorrow I would go call on her, but until then I would have to make due with just thinking about her.

Holiday cheer!

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